If you want to play a different style of character, just give 100 gold to the conveniently placed zombie NPC and change your class and build entirely. If the price is 'worth it', that is a PROBLEM. for the ability to SKIP part of the game.
Instead, they are charging FULL AAA GAME PRICE on top of a subscription fee on top of a full price expansion. If Blizzard actually wanted true alt-friendliness, you could just hop in and play whatever fucking content you want to play. They are distractions from the actual issue here: ***IF THEY ARE CHARGING MONEY TO SKIP CONTENT, THEY HAVE A MONETARY INTEREST IN KEEPING THAT CONTENT SHITTY SO THAT YOU WANT TO SKIP IT.*** I'll add more to the list as they inevitably get parrotted. 'Dont buy it if you dont like it', 'Blizz can do what they want', 'Rich people have better stuff than me', 'get good', 'whine more', 'leave me alone and let me spend my daddy's money' Here is a list of arguments we ARENT going to talk about : This entire concept is garbage and I can prove it mathematically.